Meet our Pastor
Stephen and Precious have been called into ministry since January 1, 2000. They were in a Liberian refugee camp in Cote d’Ivoire, West Africa, when they received the call to proclaim the Gospel to the four corners of the world; setting the captives free, healing the sick and brokenhearted and recovery of sight to the blind (Luke 4:18). They were ordained into full-time ministry at “Ministère Biblique de la Main-Salvatrice Internationale” (Biblical Ministry of the Saving Hand (of God) International, after a practical training in Christian ministry at “Semence Missionaire Salvatrice” (Missionary Seed of Salvation).

They have made several mission trips in africa and inside the usa  spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.  Stephen and Precious have served in several ministries both in Africa and US. They loved the Lord and love the saints they are called to serve.

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Meet Our Team

Aaron Kpehe
  • Administrator
Jen Smith
  • Associate Pastor